Quran & hadith
Quran Translations
Tafsir Collection
Full bookshelf (130+ tafseers)
Tafseer Ibn Abbas
Tafsir Jalalayn
King Fahd Centre Tafsirs (19 Languages)
Tafhim ul Quran
Tafseer Ibn Katheer
Tafsir Qurtubi
Maarif ul Quran
Tafsir ul kabir Ibn Taymiyyah
Rooh ul Ma'ani by Allama Aaloosi
Fil Zilal il Quran - In the Shade of Quran
Tafsir Siraj ul Bayan
Tayseer Al Kareem Al Mannan Fy Tafseer Kalam al Mannan
Tafseer Sanai (Molana Sana ullah Amritsary)
Tafsir Majidi
Tafseer Kabeer by Imam Al-Razi
Tafsir Jawahir ul Quran
Khulasa of Quran
Uloom ul Quran
Historical copies of Quran
Hadith and Seerah
All hadith books
The Authentic Collections
Sahih Bukhari
Sahih Muslim
Muwatta Imam Malik
Sunan Nisai
Tirmadhi Shareef
Sunan Abu Dawood
Musnad Imam Ahmad
Sunan Ibn Majah
Other Classical books of hadith
Musnad Abu Yala
Riyad us Saliheen
Sunan Darmi
Kanz ul Amal
Bulugh ul Maram
Mishqat al Masabeeh
Sunan Al Kubra - Bayhiqi
Khasais Al Kubra by Imam Suyuti
Mussanaf Ibn Abi Shaybah
Mussanaf Abdul Razzaq
Musnad Ishaq Bin Rahwiyyah
Adab Al Mufrad
Kitab ul Athar - Imam Muhammad Bin Hasan Al-Shaybani
Jami Al- Sagheer
Saheeh Ibn Khuzaimah
Ma'ani Al-Athar
Targheeb wa Tahzeeb
Shoub Al Iman of Imam Al-Bayhaqi
Ibn Habban
Musnad Shahab
Contemporary hadith collections
40 Hadith Collections
Ahadith Al-Qudsi
Collection of Weak Ahadtih
Islamic Sciences
Free Islamic Studies Courses - iCAN College
Arabic Learning
Aqeedah / Creed
Uloom ul Quran / Usool At Tafsir (Tafsir and Quranic Sciences)
Hadith and Seerah
Usool Al Hadith
Compilation, Preservation and authority of hadith
Usool wal ulum Al Hadith
Narrators, Isnad and Muhaditheen
Teaching and learning hadith
Usool Al Fiqh
Usool Al Ifta
Mantaq/ Logic/ Philosophy
Comparative Religion
Falkiat (Astronomy)
Contemporary Studies and Communication Skills
Ijazah Multimedia
Arabic Learning (Including Sarf and Nahv)
Arabic in less than 50 hours - Dr. Abdus Sami
Tajweed with Sheikh Wissam Sherieff
Arabic course - Hafiz Naveed Ahmed
Hidayat un Nahv - English Course and Book download
Arabic Conversations
Madinah Books Audio Lectures: Arabic, English and Urdu
Arabic Course for Beginners
Kafia - Arabic Grammer (Lecture Series)
Arabic Courses for Bangla Speakers
Arabic course - Dr. Abdul Aziz Abdur Raheem
Hidayat un Nahv
Why Learn Arabic? By Noman Ali Khan
Tajweed Lessons in English
Arabic with Husna
Tajweed Made Simple
Madinah Arabic Books - Taught by Br. Asif Meherali (Canada)
Ilm un Nahv and Ilm us Sarf - Complete Audio Course
Sheikh Amir Suhail Course 2
العربية بين يديك (English Arabic Course - Green Lane Mosque)
Mukhtasir ul Muani - Urdu Lectures
Usool ut Tafsir (Science of Quranic Interpretation)
Tafhim ul Quran - Audio in English and Urdu languages
Maarif ul Quran - Urdu
Tafsir by Dr. Israr - Complete Quran
Hafiz Naveed Ahmed R.A. Daura e Tafseer
Noman Ali Khan Tafsir
Quran Balochi Tafsir
Fahm ul Quran by Dr. Farhat Hashmi
Complete Quran - Faizan e Madina
Pushto Tafsir
Pushto Tafsir - Dr. Nisar Ahmed
Bangla Tafseer e Quran - Audio
Complete Tafsir (Brief) - Molana Shuja ud Din Shaikh (Urdu)
Ustad Muhammad Rafiq - Urdu
Tafseer - Sr. Iffat Maqbool
Prrof. Khaleel ul Rahman Chisthi (Daura e Quran)
Mufti Menk - Tafsir (Complete)
Fahm ul Quran (Sindhi) - Complete Quran
Daura E Quran - Ust. Huma Najm ul Hasan
Daura E Quran - Hafiz Akif Saeed
Daura e Tafseer Dr. Zeba Waqar
Shaikh Shuja ud Din - Sout ul Quran
Sister Taymiyyah Zubair Daura e Tafseer
Rahmatullah Buttr
Saraiki Daura e Quran
Urdu - Molana Manzoor Ahmed Nomani
Tafsir - Surah Wise
Usool ul Hadith
Sahih Bukhari Kitab ul Wahi
Imam Nawawi's 40 Hadith
40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi - English (Sheikh Haroon Hanif)
Arbaeen Nawawi - Urdu lecture series by Dr. Israr Ahmed
40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi - Dutch
Al Adab al Mufrad - English
Riayd us Saliheen - English
Dars e Hadith - Molana Yusuf Ludhiyanvi Shaheed
Sahih Bukhari
Bulugh Al Maram - Urdu
Bulugh Al Maram - English
Bulugh Al Maram - Bangla
Dars e Hadith - Shaikh Razaullah Abdul Karim (Urdu/ Hindi)
Riyad us Saliheen Malay
Sahih Bukhari - Arabic
Mukhtasir Sahih Bukhari - Bangla
Seerat un Nabi
Usool ul Fiqh
Mantaq/ Logic
Why Islam
What is Islam
Gain Peace Australia
Resources for New Muslims
Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
Dr. Zakir
Response to Atheism
Message for Christians
Islam and Hinduism - Comparative Religion
Message for Jews
Islam and Budhism
Islam and Communism - Comparative Studies
Seal of the Prophethood
Dawah towards Ahlas Sunnah Wal Jama'ah
Dawah Training Courses
Dawah training by Dr. Bilal Philips
dawah training by abdur raheem green
dawah training by sheikh yusuf estes
Dawah training by Abdur Raheem McCarthy
dawah training by hamza tzortzis
dawah training by kamal el makki
dawah training by shabbir ally
Dawah training by Yushua Evans
More Dawah training from London Dawah movement
Principles of Preaching
History bookshelves
Principles for studying history
Islamic History Books
Ashab ur Rasool
Companions - Book in English
Companions - Books in Urdu
Companions - Arabic Books
Companions - Booka in Bangla
Other Greats
Historical Places of Islam
Rise and Fall of Nations
Fiqh Al Waqi (Current Affairs)
Last 300 hundred years
Islam and West
Other history books
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32 other languages
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Islamic Eschatology
Signs of Last Day..
What happens when I die..
The day of judgement..
Modernism and Orientalist Studies
Fiqh of Ibadah (act of worship)
How to perform Salat ul Janaza
Zakah and Sadaqa
Taraweeh and Tahajjud
Hajj and Qurban
Dua and Dhikr
Repentance/ Tauba
System of education
Islamic System of Education
Madaris and their curriculum
Guidance for Teachers and Students
Educational Psychology and Research Methods in Islam
Adult Learning Principles
Teaching Children
System of Politics and Governance
System of organizations and leadership
Psychology, Counselling and Mental Well-being
Personality Development
Tanzimi and org Skills
Public Speaking
Social System
Muasharti Nizam
Family Matters
English books
Urdu Books
System of rights and responsibilities
Manners (Adab and Akhlaq)
System of Spirituality and tazkiah
System of economics
Managing Relations
Tablighi Books
Tib and Tib e Nabvi
Magic and its cure
Poetry and Fiction
Fiction, Hikayat and Qisas
Poetry and Poets
Imam Al-Shafii's poetry
Shibli's poetry and reviews
Seminary curriculum (including Dars Nizami)
Hafiz Shirazi
Maulana Rumi
Sheikh Saadi
Bhahadur Shah Zafar
Maulana Ahmed Raza Khan
Other books of poetry
Aurad wa Wazaif
Professional Skills
Library Management
Islam and Science
Information Technology Skills
Teaching Skills
Mechanical and Electrical Trade
Traffic Managements and Driving Skills
Misc books
ICAN Nisab and Other resources
Diploma by Australian Islamic Library
Tafseer and Usool e Tafseer
Daura e Quran 2018
Daura course 2020
Tafseer Course 2022
Khulasa e Quran
Surah Hujurat Dr. Israr Ahmed R.A.
Usool e Tafseer Course (Primary Level)
Seerah - Punjabi
Seerah Urdu
Matters of heart course
Half My Faith Course
Islamic Activism
Uloom Al-Quran Course
Jamat e Islami Pakistan Nisab
Jamat e Islami Bangladesh
Islami Jamiat e Talba
Iblagh Library
Farahi School of Thought
Muntakhab Nisab - Tanzim e Islami
Recommendations by Mufti Taqi Usmani
Recommendations by Sheikh Saleh Al-Uthaymeen
Recommendations from Noman Ali Khan
Recommendations by Faris Al-Khateeb
A curriculum for hadith studies
Tablighi books
UK Islamic Mission Syllabus
Research Conferences
Indexed Journals
Research Methods
More Goodies
TV and Media
Live TV
Audio/ Video
Islamic History and Current Affairs
Islamic Movies
TV Shows
Short Reminders
Urdu Bayan
Molana Tariq Jameel
Abu Zaid Zameer
Mufti Taqi Usmani
Dr. Ghulam Murtaza Malik
Sheikh Jalal ud Din Qasmi
Dr. Israr Ahmed Lectures
Dr. Farhat Hashmi
Khatam e Nabuwat Lectures
English Lectures
Documentaries / Video Series
Facebook Activity - English
Terms and Conditions
Dr. Heifa Shakri
Contact Us
Quran & hadith
Quran Translations
Tafsir Collection
Full bookshelf (130+ tafseers)
Tafseer Ibn Abbas
Tafsir Jalalayn
King Fahd Centre Tafsirs (19 Languages)
Tafhim ul Quran
Tafseer Ibn Katheer
Tafsir Qurtubi
Maarif ul Quran
Tafsir ul kabir Ibn Taymiyyah
Rooh ul Ma'ani by Allama Aaloosi
Fil Zilal il Quran - In the Shade of Quran
Tafsir Siraj ul Bayan
Tayseer Al Kareem Al Mannan Fy Tafseer Kalam al Mannan
Tafseer Sanai (Molana Sana ullah Amritsary)
Tafsir Majidi
Tafseer Kabeer by Imam Al-Razi
Tafsir Jawahir ul Quran
Khulasa of Quran
Uloom ul Quran
Historical copies of Quran
Hadith and Seerah
All hadith books
The Authentic Collections
Sahih Bukhari
Sahih Muslim
Muwatta Imam Malik
Sunan Nisai
Tirmadhi Shareef
Sunan Abu Dawood
Musnad Imam Ahmad
Sunan Ibn Majah
Other Classical books of hadith
Musnad Abu Yala
Riyad us Saliheen
Sunan Darmi
Kanz ul Amal
Bulugh ul Maram
Mishqat al Masabeeh
Sunan Al Kubra - Bayhiqi
Khasais Al Kubra by Imam Suyuti
Mussanaf Ibn Abi Shaybah
Mussanaf Abdul Razzaq
Musnad Ishaq Bin Rahwiyyah
Adab Al Mufrad
Kitab ul Athar - Imam Muhammad Bin Hasan Al-Shaybani
Jami Al- Sagheer
Saheeh Ibn Khuzaimah
Ma'ani Al-Athar
Targheeb wa Tahzeeb
Shoub Al Iman of Imam Al-Bayhaqi
Ibn Habban
Musnad Shahab
Contemporary hadith collections
40 Hadith Collections
Ahadith Al-Qudsi
Collection of Weak Ahadtih
Islamic Sciences
Free Islamic Studies Courses - iCAN College
Arabic Learning
Aqeedah / Creed
Uloom ul Quran / Usool At Tafsir (Tafsir and Quranic Sciences)
Hadith and Seerah
Usool Al Hadith
Compilation, Preservation and authority of hadith
Usool wal ulum Al Hadith
Narrators, Isnad and Muhaditheen
Teaching and learning hadith
Usool Al Fiqh
Usool Al Ifta
Mantaq/ Logic/ Philosophy
Comparative Religion
Falkiat (Astronomy)
Contemporary Studies and Communication Skills
Ijazah Multimedia
Arabic Learning (Including Sarf and Nahv)
Arabic in less than 50 hours - Dr. Abdus Sami
Tajweed with Sheikh Wissam Sherieff
Arabic course - Hafiz Naveed Ahmed
Hidayat un Nahv - English Course and Book download
Arabic Conversations
Madinah Books Audio Lectures: Arabic, English and Urdu
Arabic Course for Beginners
Kafia - Arabic Grammer (Lecture Series)
Arabic Courses for Bangla Speakers
Arabic course - Dr. Abdul Aziz Abdur Raheem
Hidayat un Nahv
Why Learn Arabic? By Noman Ali Khan
Tajweed Lessons in English
Arabic with Husna
Tajweed Made Simple
Madinah Arabic Books - Taught by Br. Asif Meherali (Canada)
Ilm un Nahv and Ilm us Sarf - Complete Audio Course
Sheikh Amir Suhail Course 2
العربية بين يديك (English Arabic Course - Green Lane Mosque)
Mukhtasir ul Muani - Urdu Lectures
Usool ut Tafsir (Science of Quranic Interpretation)
Tafhim ul Quran - Audio in English and Urdu languages
Maarif ul Quran - Urdu
Tafsir by Dr. Israr - Complete Quran
Hafiz Naveed Ahmed R.A. Daura e Tafseer
Noman Ali Khan Tafsir
Quran Balochi Tafsir
Fahm ul Quran by Dr. Farhat Hashmi
Complete Quran - Faizan e Madina
Pushto Tafsir
Pushto Tafsir - Dr. Nisar Ahmed
Bangla Tafseer e Quran - Audio
Complete Tafsir (Brief) - Molana Shuja ud Din Shaikh (Urdu)
Ustad Muhammad Rafiq - Urdu
Tafseer - Sr. Iffat Maqbool
Prrof. Khaleel ul Rahman Chisthi (Daura e Quran)
Mufti Menk - Tafsir (Complete)
Fahm ul Quran (Sindhi) - Complete Quran
Daura E Quran - Ust. Huma Najm ul Hasan
Daura E Quran - Hafiz Akif Saeed
Daura e Tafseer Dr. Zeba Waqar
Shaikh Shuja ud Din - Sout ul Quran
Sister Taymiyyah Zubair Daura e Tafseer
Rahmatullah Buttr
Saraiki Daura e Quran
Urdu - Molana Manzoor Ahmed Nomani
Tafsir - Surah Wise
Usool ul Hadith
Sahih Bukhari Kitab ul Wahi
Imam Nawawi's 40 Hadith
40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi - English (Sheikh Haroon Hanif)
Arbaeen Nawawi - Urdu lecture series by Dr. Israr Ahmed
40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi - Dutch
Al Adab al Mufrad - English
Riayd us Saliheen - English
Dars e Hadith - Molana Yusuf Ludhiyanvi Shaheed
Sahih Bukhari
Bulugh Al Maram - Urdu
Bulugh Al Maram - English
Bulugh Al Maram - Bangla
Dars e Hadith - Shaikh Razaullah Abdul Karim (Urdu/ Hindi)
Riyad us Saliheen Malay
Sahih Bukhari - Arabic
Mukhtasir Sahih Bukhari - Bangla
Seerat un Nabi
Usool ul Fiqh
Mantaq/ Logic
Why Islam
What is Islam
Gain Peace Australia
Resources for New Muslims
Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
Dr. Zakir
Response to Atheism
Message for Christians
Islam and Hinduism - Comparative Religion
Message for Jews
Islam and Budhism
Islam and Communism - Comparative Studies
Seal of the Prophethood
Dawah towards Ahlas Sunnah Wal Jama'ah
Dawah Training Courses
Dawah training by Dr. Bilal Philips
dawah training by abdur raheem green
dawah training by sheikh yusuf estes
Dawah training by Abdur Raheem McCarthy
dawah training by hamza tzortzis
dawah training by kamal el makki
dawah training by shabbir ally
Dawah training by Yushua Evans
More Dawah training from London Dawah movement
Principles of Preaching
History bookshelves
Principles for studying history
Islamic History Books
Ashab ur Rasool
Companions - Book in English
Companions - Books in Urdu
Companions - Arabic Books
Companions - Booka in Bangla
Other Greats
Historical Places of Islam
Rise and Fall of Nations
Fiqh Al Waqi (Current Affairs)
Last 300 hundred years
Islam and West
Other history books
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Learning languages
Arabic Learning
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Learn URDU
Learn Malay
Learn Spanish
Learn Persian/ Farsi
32 other languages
Translation and Interpretation
Islamic Eschatology
Signs of Last Day..
What happens when I die..
The day of judgement..
Modernism and Orientalist Studies
Fiqh of Ibadah (act of worship)
How to perform Salat ul Janaza
Zakah and Sadaqa
Taraweeh and Tahajjud
Hajj and Qurban
Dua and Dhikr
Repentance/ Tauba
System of education
Islamic System of Education
Madaris and their curriculum
Guidance for Teachers and Students
Educational Psychology and Research Methods in Islam
Adult Learning Principles
Teaching Children
System of Politics and Governance
System of organizations and leadership
Psychology, Counselling and Mental Well-being
Personality Development
Tanzimi and org Skills
Public Speaking
Social System
Muasharti Nizam
Family Matters
English books
Urdu Books
System of rights and responsibilities
Manners (Adab and Akhlaq)
System of Spirituality and tazkiah
System of economics
Managing Relations
Tablighi Books
Tib and Tib e Nabvi
Magic and its cure
Poetry and Fiction
Fiction, Hikayat and Qisas
Poetry and Poets
Imam Al-Shafii's poetry
Shibli's poetry and reviews
Seminary curriculum (including Dars Nizami)
Hafiz Shirazi
Maulana Rumi
Sheikh Saadi
Bhahadur Shah Zafar
Maulana Ahmed Raza Khan
Other books of poetry
Aurad wa Wazaif
Professional Skills
Library Management
Islam and Science
Information Technology Skills
Teaching Skills
Mechanical and Electrical Trade
Traffic Managements and Driving Skills
Misc books
ICAN Nisab and Other resources
Diploma by Australian Islamic Library
Tafseer and Usool e Tafseer
Daura e Quran 2018
Daura course 2020
Tafseer Course 2022
Khulasa e Quran
Surah Hujurat Dr. Israr Ahmed R.A.
Usool e Tafseer Course (Primary Level)
Seerah - Punjabi
Seerah Urdu
Matters of heart course
Half My Faith Course
Islamic Activism
Uloom Al-Quran Course
Jamat e Islami Pakistan Nisab
Jamat e Islami Bangladesh
Islami Jamiat e Talba
Iblagh Library
Farahi School of Thought
Muntakhab Nisab - Tanzim e Islami
Recommendations by Mufti Taqi Usmani
Recommendations by Sheikh Saleh Al-Uthaymeen
Recommendations from Noman Ali Khan
Recommendations by Faris Al-Khateeb
A curriculum for hadith studies
Tablighi books
UK Islamic Mission Syllabus
Research Conferences
Indexed Journals
Research Methods
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TV and Media
Live TV
Audio/ Video
Islamic History and Current Affairs
Islamic Movies
TV Shows
Short Reminders
Urdu Bayan
Molana Tariq Jameel
Abu Zaid Zameer
Mufti Taqi Usmani
Dr. Ghulam Murtaza Malik
Sheikh Jalal ud Din Qasmi
Dr. Israr Ahmed Lectures
Dr. Farhat Hashmi
Khatam e Nabuwat Lectures
English Lectures
Documentaries / Video Series
Facebook Activity - English
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Dr. Heifa Shakri
Contact Us
SSN: -2071-8683
Frequency: Biannually
Availability: Print and Online
Languages: English, Arabic, Urdu
Website: http://journal.alqalamjournalpu.com
Publisher: Institute of Islamic Studies, University of Punjab, University of Punjab
Vol 25 No 2 (2020)
Urdu: (1)
قرآن میں تعین مرجع الضمیر کےمنتخب قواعد
+The Selected Rules to Specify the “Reference of Pronoun” in Quran
Ayesha Khan+Dr. Hafiza Shahida Parveen
فضاء میں احکامِ طہارت کی فعالیت
+The Application of Islamic Laws on Purity in Space
Hafiz Seyed Mobasher Hossein Kazemi+Dr. Hafiz Abdul Basit Khan
اہل کتاب سے اخذ و استفادہ ۔ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ
+Deriving and Benefiting from Ahl-e-Kitab An Analytical Studies
Tariq Mahmood+Dr. Muhammad Abdullah
عقدنکاح کی شرائط: شیعہ مجتہدین کا نقطہ نظر
+Conditions of Marital Accord: The Perspective of Shia Jurists
Zahra Batool + Dr. Mustafeez Ahmad Alvi
تخلیقِ انسان کے مختلف مراحل: قرآنی آیات اور علمِ جنین کے تناظر میں
+ Different Stages of Human Embryonic Development in the Context of Qur'anic Verses and Science of Embryology
Hafiz Muhammad Abrar Awan + Ishtiaq Ahmad Gondal + Javed Iqbal Qazi
قرونِ وسطیٰ کےمسلمان سائنسدان:سائنسی علوم میں تجرباتی اسلوب کے بانی
+ Muslim Scientists of Medeval Period Poineer’s of Experimental Method in Scientific Konwlege
Muhammad Abdullah+Prof. Dr. Hafiz Mohammad Israil Farooqi
حقیقت شرعیہ کے وقوع میں معتزلہ کا مؤقف :ایک تحقیقی جائزہ
+A Textual Study of Mautizila’s Opinion about Haqeeqat-e-Sharia
Hafiza Zaufishan Naseer + Hafiz Muhammad Abdul Qayyum
نظریہ نظرثانی:دائرہ کار اور تاریخی پس منظر
+ Revisionism: Scope and Historical Perspective
Muhammad Ikram Allah+Dr. Mohammad Ferozuddin Shah Khagha
سائبر کرائمزکا تعارف، تاریخ، خطرات و نقصانات اور چیلنجز
+ Introduction, History, Dangers and Challenges of Cyber Crimes
Hafiz Samiullah + Dr. Muhammad Hammad Lakhvi
استشراقی تاریخ میں تفہیم شخصیتِ محمدیﷺ: ایک اجمالی تعارف
+ Orientalism on Muhammad: A Historical Sketch
Dr. Muhammad Shahbaz Manj + Dr. Saeed Ahmed Saeedi
عہدِتغلق کےبعد فکرِسلاطینِ ہند کا مذہبی منظرنامہ
+A religious scenario of Sub-Continental history after Tughluq
Dr. Mahmood Ahmad + Dr. Hafiz Hassan Madani
Pdf Read
Arabic: (12)
إشكالية الألفاظ الأعجمية في كتاب الله
+ Issue of foreign (non-Arab) words in Qur’an
Miss Lubna Farah
Pdf Read
الحلم بين الأمثال والحكم في الشعر العربي
+The Trait of Hilm in Proverbs and Maxims Used in Arabic Poetry
Dr. Abu Bakr
English: (1)The Legitimacy of Sea Animals: A Critical Analysis
Aqsa+Prof.Dr.Muhammad Ijaz
(2) Contribution of Chines Muslim during various dynasties A timeline study in historical perspective
Dr Hafiz zahid Latif
(3) Muslims Vs Non-Muslims Representation in Hollywood Movies: A Semiotic & Cinematographic Analysis
Dr. Shahzad Ali + Sayyed Aamir Abbas Rizvi
(4) Islam’s Guidelines for Muslims: A Lesson for Journalists
Dr. Ghalib Ata + Dr. Aamir Saeed
(5) Social Chaos in Indian Society and Status of Religious Minorities in India after 1947
Mumtaz Ahmed Jasvi+Dr. Tahir Masood Qazi
(6) Contribution of Muslim Scholars to Mathematics and Physics in Banu Abbas Regime
Saeedullah+ Dr. Hafiz Hussain Azhar
(7) An Evaluation of Islamic foreign policy in Pakistan Challenges & Prospects
Dr. Samina Saadia+ Dr. Farhat Aziz
(8) Saudi-Iran Rivalry and Conflict Management-Implying Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Inter-Muslim Political Conciliation Policies in 21st Century
Dr Asim Naeem + Saleha Fatima
(9) Compositional Aesthetics of Sacred Text the Contribution of Pakistani Artists to Painterly Calligraphy
Dr. Aqsa Malik+Dr. Naela Aamir
(10) Impaired Mother-Child Bonding: Avoidant Attachment in Zelda Lockhart’s Fifth Born
Dr. Shamaila Dodhy + Dr. Ayesha Saeed
(11) Mediating the Interpretations to Resolve Sectarian Differences: Shah Wali Allah’s Approach to the Quranic Exegesis and His Legacy
Dr. Muhammad Raza Taimoor
(12) Phenomenological Study; Assessing the Differences in Crypto-Currency and Other Forms of Currencies, Legality in Islamic Jurisprudence
Munib Siddiqui +Dr. Sh. Usman Yousaf
(13) Inclusion of Islamic Beliefs in Esl Teaching at University Level in Lahore
Abdul Majid Khan Rana+ Azhar Munir Bhatti+Dr.Muhammad Riaz Mahmood
Blow Them Away