ISSN: 2664-1178 (Print Version) ISSN: 2664-1186 (Online) Frequency: Bi-annual (2 issues per year) Availability: Print and Online Languages within journal's scope: Urdu Website:
Volume 1, Issue 2 (July-Dec, 2017)
عصر حاضر مىں مذہبى انتہا پسندى كا رجحان اور اس كا خاتمہ (The religious extremism and its elimination in the contemporary age) Dr. Hameedullah Abdul Qadir (Al-Tabyeen, Volume 1, Issue 1 ,July-Dec 2017, Pg. 7-23) Access Full Article
ہمارے تعلىمى مسائل اور ان كا حل، اسلامى تناظر مىں (Our educational problems and their solutions in Islamic perspective) Dr. Muhammad Amin (Al-Tabyeen, Volume 1, Issue 1, July-Dec, 2017, Pg. 24-37) Access Full Article
عصر جاہلى كے چند مشہور عربى نثرى فنون كا تعارفى مطالعہ (A study of Arabic prose of pre-islamic Jahlia Period) Dr. Shams ul Hasan Zaheer/ Dr. Tahseen bibi (Al-Tabyeen, Volume 1, Issue 1, July-Dec, 2017, Pg. 38-51) Access Full Article
اجتہاد كى شرعى حىثىت اور عصر حاضر مىں اجتہاد كى عملى صورتىں (Ijtihad and it status in Sharia – Implications in the Modern Times) Dr. Muhammad Tajul Deen- Dr. Zahooruallah Azhari (Al-Tabyeen, Volume 1, Issue 1, July-Dec, 2017, Pg. 52-68) Access Full Article
علمائے كرام، قائد اعظم اور نظرىہ پاكستان (The Ulma, Quaid-e-Azam and the Ideology of Pakistan) Dr. Muhammad Tajul Deen- Dr. Zahooruallah Azhari (Al-Tabyeen, Volume 1, Issue 1, July-Dec, 2017, Pg. 69-108) Access Full Article
نقد و سندِ متن مىں شىخ البانى كے تفردات (Sheikh Albani's anomalies in critical study of Hadith Texts) Dr. Shahzada Imran Ayub (Al-Tabyeen, Volume 1, Issue 1, July-Dec, 2017, Pg. 108-129) Access Full Article
زبانىں، عربى زبان اور قرآن (The Languages, Arabic language and the Quran) Dr. Muhammad Imran (Al-Tabyeen, Volume 1, Issue 1, July-Dec, 2017, Pg. 130-159) Access Full Article
قرآن كرىم اور علم الضبط (The Holy Quran and Ilm ulZabt) Sara Bano/ Dr. Hafiz Anas Nazar (Al-Tabyeen, Volume 1, Issue 1, July-Dec, 2017, Pg. 130-159) Access Full Article
Volume 2, Issue 1 (Jan-Jun, 2018) اولىن كتبِ حدىث كے مناہج و اسالىب (امام ابن ابى شىبہ كى علم حدىث مىں خدمات كے تناظر مىں) (The Style of early Hadith literature in the Works of Imam ibn e Shaiba) Dr. Irfan Jafar/ Dr. Shahzada Imran Ayub (Al-Tabyeen, Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan-Jun, 2018, Pg. 7-23) Access Full Article
مدنى فلاحى رىاست كى بنىاديں (The Fundamentals of welfare state of Madina) Dr. Abdul Raouf Zafar/ Dr. Naseer Ahmed Akhter Al-Tabyeen, Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan-Jun, 2018, Pg. 24-43) Access Full Article
سركارى مناصب و ذرائع كا ذمہ دارانہ استعمال (The Responsible use of public Positions) Dr. Hameedullah Abdul Qadir (Al-Tabyeen, Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan-Jun, 2018, Pg. 44-70) Access Full Article
اسلام كا تصور جہاد اور امن (The Islamic concept of jihad and peace) Dr. Muhammad Kashif Iqbal/ Dr. Muhammad Amin (Al-Tabyeen, Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan-Jun, 2018, Pg. 71-89) Access Full Article
غلامى كى جدىد اشكال اور انسداد غلامى (The Modern forms of slavery and their elimination) Dr. Abdul Gaffahr (Al-Tabyeen, Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan-Jun, 2018, Pg. 90-119) Access Full Article
اصول تعليم : موسىٰ و خضر علىہماالسلام كے واقعہ كى روشنى مىں (The Principles of education in the story of Moses and Khadr) Dr. Shamsul Arfeen/ Dr. Abdul Quddus (Al-Tabyeen, Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan-Jun, 2018, Pg. 120-134) Access Full Article
فرشتوں كا كردار (قرآن اور بائبل كى روشنى مىں تقابلى مطالعہ) (The role of angles in Quran and Bible) Dr. Abdul Rasheed Qadri (Al-Tabyeen, Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan-Jun, 2018, Pg. 135-160) Access Full Article