ISSN: 2305-154X (Print Version) ISSN: 2521-8409 (Online) Frequency: Semi-annually (2 issues per year) Availability: Print and Online Languages within journal's scope: Urdu, Arabic and English Website:
Volume 1, Issue 1 (Jan-June2010) Section 1: URDU LANGUAGE
حدود و قصاص میں ڈی این اے ٹیسٹ کی شرعی حیثیت (The Islamic Legal Position on the Use of DNA in ╓ud┴d and Qi╖┐╖ Penalties) Dr. Mirajul Islam Zia// Junaid Akbar (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 1, Issue 1 ,Jan-June2010, Pg. 1-14) Access full text
خواجہ احمد الدین امرتسری کی تفسیر’’ بیان للناس‘‘کا تنقیدی مطالعہ (A Critical Analysis of Bay┐n al li ‘l-N┐sby Khwajah Ahmaduddin) Muhammad Ayaz (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 1, Issue 1,Jan-June2010, Pg. 15-42) Access full text حکومتی، ادارتی اور ولایتی حقوق کا ناجائز استعمال شریعتِ اسلامیہ کی روشنی میں (The Abuse of Governmental, Institutional and Guardianship Rights (FromShar┘‘ah Perspective) Dr. Mohyuddin Hashmi (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 1, Issue 1,Jan-June2010, Pg. 43-62) Access full text اسباب نزول(قسطاول) (The Occasions, Reasons, and Contexts for the Revelation of the Qur’┐n)- Part-I Dr. Sirajul Islam Hanif (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 1, Issue 1,Jan-June2010, Pg. 63-74) Access full text افغانستان كے شہر انقلاب ہرات كا علمى وتارىخى پس منظر (Intellectual and Historical Background of Herat, Afghanistan: the City Inspiring Revolutions) Muhammad Alam (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 1, Issue 1,Jan-June2010, Pg. 75-84) Access full text
برِّصغیر میں عقلی تعبیرپسندی پر مبنی مذہبی تفکر (The Rational based Religious Cognition in the Sub-Continent) Muhammad Tariq Ghauri (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 1, Issue 1,Jan-June2010, Pg. 85-118) Access full text شاذ کا اطلاقی مفہوم اور قراء ات شاذہ سے فقہاء کے اصول استنباط
(The Applied Notion of Isolated Qur’┐nic Readings and Jurists’ Principles of Derivation from them) Taj Afsar (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 1, Issue 1,Jan-June2010, Pg. 119-138) Access full text
Section 2: Arabic LANGUAGE
اهتمام الاسلام بالمرأة والردعلى بعض شبهات حول حقوقها فيه (Status of Woman in Islam: A Clarification of Some Doubts) Abdur Rehmann Shirzad (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 1, Issue 1,Jan-June2010, Pg. 139-160) Access full text الصـــور الحــربية والفنون الجمالية في أرجوزة العجـــــاج الرائية (Illustrations of Combat and Fine Arts in Urj┴zah al-R┐’iyyah of al-‘Ajj┐j) Muhammad Zahir Shah (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 1, Issue 1,Jan-June2010, Pg. 161-188) Access full text العرفالمسكوتعنه في الفقه الإسلامي (The Undeclared Custom of Islamic Law) Fakhrud Din Syed Muhammad Qanit (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 1, Issue 1,Jan-June2010, Pg. 189-198) Access full text الإيجاز والإطناب وروائعهما البلاغية في سورة البقرة (Rhetorical Beauties of Concision and Prolixity in S┴rat al-Baqarah) Muhammad Islam/ Muhammad Saleem (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 1, Issue 1,Jan-June2010, Pg. 199-218) Access full text العين والقلب في شعر أصحاب المعلقات وعشاق العرب (Eye and Heart in the Stanzas of the Poets of Mu’allaq┐t and Arab Lovers) Bibi Hamida Syed/Mursal Farman (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 1, Issue 1,Jan-June2010, Pg. 219-249) Access full text Section 3: ENGLISH LANGUAGE
Wil┐yat al Ma╘┐lim: Application of Siy┐sah Shar’iyyah Ziaullah Rahmani (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 1, Issue 1,Jan-June2010, Pg. 1-14) Access full text