JIBAS - The International Journal of Islamic Business, Administration and Social Sciences, Karachi, is an Open Access bi-annual peer reviewed print and online journal which is following the rules of Higher Education Commission for recognition in Y Category. JIBAS become a multidisciplinary academic journal with an international editorial board representing various fields of Islamic Business, Administration, Banking, Insurance, Economics, Finance, Takaful, Takaful Products and Instruments, Islamic Management, Islamic Economics, Islamic Law and Society, Islamic Brotherhood, Islamic Marketing, Islamic Human Resource Management, Islamic Organizational Behavior, Womankind, Work Ethics, Business Ethics, Islamic Micro Finance, Islamic Financial Markets, Islamic Financial Institutions, Trade with the Islamic world, The Muslim consumer and consumption patterns, Islamic branding and positioning, Islamic franchising, Retail and distribution channels, Islamic marketing mix, Islamic market segmentation, Islamic pharmaceuticals and healthcare, Islamic lifestyles, Hospitality, Fashion and entertainment, Current trends in Islamic markets, Commercializing Islam and Islamization of commerce, Global events and the Muslim consumer, Halal markets and halal supply chains, Islamic finance and Islamic microfinance, E-Marketing in Islamic markets, Islamic innovation and entrepreneurship, Contemporary Islamic movement, Education, Politics, International Relations, History, and general fields of social sciences research.