Peshawar Islamicus Islamic Research Journal ISSN: 2305-154X (Print Version) ISSN: 2521-8409 (Online) Frequency: Semi-annually (2 issues per year) Availability: Print and Online Languages within journal's scope: Urdu, Arabic and English Website:
Volume 2, Issue 1 (Jan-June, 2011) Section 1: URDU LANGUAGE
تعین قبلہ: بعض مسلمان سائنسدانوں کی خدمات (Determining the Direction of Qiblah: Achievements of Some Muslim Scientists) Dr.Mirajul Islam Zia/Salihud Din Haqqani (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 2, Issue 1 , Jan-June, 2011, Pg. 1-14) Access full text عرف اور اسلامی معیشت (‘Urf and Islamic Economy) Ataur Rehman/Izaz Ali (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 2, Issue 1 , Jan-June, 2011, Pg. 15-27) Access full text معتزلہ کے ظہور، اصول خمسہ اور مرتکب کبیرہ کے بارے میں علمی بحث (Emergence of Mu’tazila, their five Tenets and View on the fate of a Believing Sinner) Muhammad Shoaib/Muhammad Alam (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 2, Issue 1 , Jan-June, 2011, Pg. 28-38) Access full text فقہی قاعدہ: المشقۃ تجلب التیسیر’’مشقت آسانی لاتی ہے‘‘کی عملی تطبیق (Applied Aspects of Islamic Legal Maxim: “Hardship shall bring Alleviation”) Zainab Amin/Ziaullah/Syed Mubarak Shah (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 2, Issue 1 , Jan-June, 2011, Pg.39-52) Access full text مذہبحنبلی کا تعارف اوراصول استنباط (Introduction to ╓anbali School of Fiqh and its Rules of Deduction) Salimur Rehman/Nisar Muhammad (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 2, Issue 1 , Jan-June, 2011, Pg.53-67) Access full text
علم معاشیات کے ارتقاء میں برصغیرکے علماء کاحصہ (Contribution of Muslim Scholars of the Sub-Continent towards Development of Economics) Muhammad Riaz/Muhammad Fayaz (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 2, Issue 1 , Jan-June, 2011, Pg.68-87)
Access full text جزیہ وخراج (فقہ اسلامی کے تناظر میں خصوصی مطالعہ) (Jizyah and Khar┐j: Study in Perspective of Islamic Jurisprudence) Zulfiqar Ali (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 2, Issue 1 , Jan-June, 2011, Pg.88-108)
Section 2: Arabic LANGUAGE الأسلوب الشرعي في نصيحة الولاة والحكام (Islamic Way of giving Advice to Governors and Rulers) Muhammad Saleem Shah (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan-June, 2011, Pg. 109-118) Access full text التفسير بالإجماع بين النظرية والتطبيق (Consensus of Exegetes between Theory and Application) Samiul Haq/Muhammad Tariq (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan-June, 2011, Pg. 119-136) Access full text
الرجز وتطوره حتى العصر الأموي:دراسة تحليلية (Development of Rajaz till the Umayyad Era: An Analytical Study) Muhammad Zahir Shah (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan-June, 2011, Pg. 137-144) Access full text
القصر ومحاسنه البلاغية في القرآن الكريم (Rhetorical Beauties of “Restriction” in the Qur’┐n) Muhammad Islam/Syed Mubarak Shah (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan-June, 2011, Pg. 145-164)
تخصيص العام بالعرف العام (Specification of “the General” by Common and Recurrent Custom) Fakhrud Din Syed Muhammad Qanit (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan-June, 2011, Pg. 165-174) Access full text البلاغة العربیة عبر العصور المختلفة (Arabic Rhetoric across Different Ages) Musarrat Jamal/Shabnam Saleem (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan-June, 2011, Pg. 175-180) Access full text Section 3: ENGLISH LANGUAGE
The Tomb of Malik R┐jp┐l at Makli Hill, Thatta: History and Architecture M.A Durrani/Muhammad Naeem Qazi/Zakirullah Jan (Peshawar Islamicus Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan-June, 2011, Pg. 1-14) Access full text