دینی علوم میں کتاب اللہ کی تفسیر وتاویل کا علم اشرف علوم میں شمار ہوتا ہے۔ ہر دور میں ائمہ دین نے کتاب اللہ کی تشریح وتوضیح کی خدمت سر انجام دی ہے تا کہ عوام الناس کے لیے اللہ کی کتاب کو سمجھنے میں کوئی مشکل اور رکاوٹ پیش نہ آئے۔ سلف صالحین ہی کے زمانہ ہی سے تفسیر قرآن، تفسیر بالماثور اور تفسیر بالرائے کے مناہج میں تقسیم ہو گئی تھی۔ صحابہ رضی اللہ عنہم ، تابعین عظام اور تبع تابعین رحمہم اللہ اجمعین کے زمانہ میں تفسیر بالماثور کو خوب اہمیت حاصل تھی اور تفسیر کی اصل قسم بھی اسے ہی شمار کیا جاتا تھا۔ تفسیر بالماثور کو تفسیر بالمنقول بھی کہتے ہیں کیونکہ اس میں کتاب اللہ کی تفسیر خود قرآن یا احادیث یا اقوال صحابہ یا اقوال تابعین و تبع تابعین سے کی جاتی ہے۔
مفسر قرآن ، فاتح قادیان ،کثیرالتصانیف مولانا ثناء اللہ امرتسری کی شخصیت کسی تعارف کی محتاج نہیں ہے۔آپ 1868ء امرتسر میں پیدا ہوئے،اورمولانا سیّد نذیر حسین دہلوی سے اکتساب علم کیا۔ ہفت روزہ ’’اخبار اہل حدیث‘‘ کے مدیر اور مؤسس تھے۔ادیانِ باطلہ پر گہری نظر تھی۔عیسائیت ، آریہ سماج ہندووں، قادیانیت اور تقلید کے ردمیں متعدد کتابیں لکھیں۔آپ نے سیرت مبارکہ صلی اللہ علیہ و سلم پر تین کتابیں تالیف کی تھیں یہ کتاب اس زمانے میں لکھی گئی جب مسلمان انگریزی حکومت کے جبر واستبداد کا شکار تھے۔انگریزی استعمار کا فتنہ زوروں پر تھا ۔پورے ملک میں عیسائی مشنریاں سر گرم تھیں۔ یہ تفسیر بھی تفسیر بالماثور ہے جس میں حسب موقع مختصر شرح ساتھ ساتھ کر دی گئی ہے اس کےعلاوہ مخالفین اسلام کے اعتراضات کا جواب بھی وقتاً فوقتاً دیا گیا ہے۔ بعض مقامات کے حل مطالب کے لیے شان نزول کا ذکر بھی کیا گیا ہے ہر آیت میں جہاں تک منقول تھا اس کو بھی نقل کیا گیا ہے۔مکتبہ قدوسیہ نے اس تفسیر کو تین جلدوں میں شائع کیا ہے جس کو ہم ہدیہ قارئین کر رہے ہیں۔ Maulana Sanaullah Amritsary serviced Islam in the tough times of British Occupation in India when christian missionaries, under the government support, were making deliberate and forceful efforts to inculcate impurities in Islamic faith, convert people of other beliefs to christianity and create division in people of the land to destabilize themselves even further.
In such times, Maulana Amritsary was on the forefront among many other great scholars of that time to counter such ideological attacks. Under government supervision and support, attacks were made on the personality and noble charecter of our beloved Prophet. Maualana wrote books and delviered speechs to reveal the ignorance of claims of orientalists making baseless efforts to create doubts in the minds of muslims. He tackled all those issues with great scholarly and learned approach and proved them wrong the uncovered their deceiving nature. On the same lines, in his this tafsir, he has tackled orientalist claims at numerous places. It is a profound source of scholarly work on exegesis of Quran. Majority of his books are focussed on answering orientalists, comparative religion (especially chritianity and how it has been altered by humans over the centuries to suit their own desires), Tafsir and other important matters. One of the groups created by the British to bring in impurities in Islam was "Qadyanis" who consider Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadyani to be the promised Messiah, Mahdi and Prophet (Naozubillah). As per historic court decisions in Pakistan, Qadyanis are declared as 'Non-Muslims' based on the absence of believe in the finality of Prophethood with Muhammad Sallalaho Alaihe Wassalam. Maulana Sanaullah Amristsary kept on challenging people of such false beliefs throughout his life time. An account on one of his famous encounter with Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadyai, the liar, is as follows: On April 15, 1907 (Rabiul Awwal 1, 1325 A.H.), Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani addressed a public notice to Maulana Sanaullah Amritsari. His published notification included these words: "If I am a liar and an impostor such as you want to call me in each issue of your periodical then I shall die in your lifetime." (Majmua-e-Ishtiharat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, Vol. 3; P. 178).After that, Mirza invoked Allah's Audience with these words requesting for a Divine Decision: "If this claim of promised Messiahship is a false imputation from the side of me and if I am in Your Eyes a liar, mischief-monger, imputing false attribute to myself as my day/night routine, then, O my dear Master I pray to your Exalted Audience with all possible humility that destroy me in the lifetime of Maulana Sanaullah and let my death make him and his jama'at happy. Now, holding the garment of Your sanctity and Mercy, I supplicate into Your Lofty Audience to bring out true decision between me and Sanaullah and whosoever is really a liar and mischief-monger in Your Eye then carry him off from this world in the very lifetime of the one who is truthful." (Majmua-e-Ishtiharat Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, Vol. 3: P. 549).Concluding this notification, Mirza Qadiani wrote: "In the end my request to Maulana Sahib is that he should print all this writing in his periodical and may write underneath whatever he chooses to write. Now decision rests with Allah."Conforming to the wish of Mirza Qadiani, Maulana Sanaullah printed Mirza's notification, word by word, in his periodical, 'Ahle-Hadith' and added underneath all that he liked to write. Because Mirza Qadiani had entrusted the decision to Allah, having specifically asked for it, all Muslims and Mirzais went into expecting what would come to pass from the unknown realm of the Omniscient Being. Only one year after this, Mirza died. The liar perished on May 26, 1908. Cholera purged Mirza's guts out. The knock-out was sure, certain and precise, one year after his pronouncement in which he had implored Allah for a decision. And Maulana Sanaullah lived on, and on, and on, sound and magnificent, for a long period of forty-one years. It amazed everyone. In this way, Mirza Qadiani was once again proved a hoax, a knave and a pretender. He was himself bundled off to eternal perdition (Havia) by one stroke of celestial punishment which was enough to silence the babble. Today, we would like to relate to our readers two more interesting Mubahalas through which Allah the Exalted proclaimed Mirza Qadiani to be a liar and Dajjal. |
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