Effective public speaking and eloquence of speech are two important aspects that all Muslims in general, and scholars in particular, need to master. In order to champion this, we need to focus on two aspects:
Mastering general rules and methods governing effective public speaking e.g. effective introduction and conclusion, audience profiling, contextualization, body language etc.
Effective Language skills.
In this bookshelf, we have focused more on first aspect (However, a few books have been added to cover the second aspect too). Second aspect is adequately covered in our bookshelf on LEARNING THE LANGUAGE OF QURAN.
Nizam e Nizamat Muhammad Aftab Azhar (The book provides guidelines regarding serving as a facilitator and organizer in the Islamic events) Read /Download
Following are presentations from PEC delivered in a course on communication skills for Engineers. However, most of the principles are generic in nature and applicable in numerous situations. I am also a firm believer that creativity is strongly boosted if we apply knowledge and principles of one field into another field (e.g. when medical science and electronics combined modern medical analysis and treatement was produced, when mechanics and electronics combined, robotics was produced.. so on and so forth).. I, therefore, believe, that following course can still carry huge value for personnel working in any field and can boost creativity and productivity.
PEC Communications Skills - Lecture 1: Principles of Effective Communication (Download) PEC Communications Skills - Lecture 2:Communication Styles and Presentation Skills (Download) PEC Communications Skills - Lecture 3: Technical Presentation Skills for Engineers (Download) PEC Communications Skills - Lecture 4: Tools and Techniques for Technical Presentation (Download) PEC Communications Skills - Lecture 5: Quiz - Presentation skills (Download)
Enhancing Arabic Speaking Skills among Malay Students through Group Work Activities (Research Paper) (Download)
INFOGRAPHICS: Note:Following infographics can only be used for educational purposes. Rights are reserved with respective producers.